5º Primaria


Unit 1



 MP3 player
 pen drive
 video games console

Extra vocabulary

gadget: aparato
send: enviar
fit: encajar
leave the house: irse
get back: volver
hurt: hacer daño
carry: llevar
lorry: furgoneta
lose: perder
quiet: silencioso
travel: viajar
boat: bote, barco
treasure: tesoro
guess: adivinar
choose: elegir
concentrate: concentrarse
crack a code: descifrar un código
spend time: pasar el tiempo
chat: charlar
glasshouse: invernadero
support: apoyar
race: carrera
pound: libra

penny: penique /pence: peniques

one penny

two pence

receipt: ticket

lifestyle: estilo de vida
pros and cons: pros y contras
also: también
indoor/ outdoor : en interiores/ en exteriores

Listen to the song:     Technology Jam

Copy the lyrics and complete the gaps with the following words:

friends,emails,webcam, computer games, photos,computer, web page

Technology, technology
Tap a tap,tap. Click, click.
Technology, technology
Tap a tap,tap. Click, click.

I log in to a ..............................
I use a .........................
I write .........................and read
a ...............................
I do the technology jam!


I play...................................
I take............. when I can
I send text messages 
to my ............
I do the technology jam!



 Learn the dialogue: 

How to buy an electronic gadget

Woman: Hello there. Can I help you?
Rosa:      Oh yes, please. I need a new charger for my digital camera.
Woman: Right. Come this way, please. All the chargers for digital                    cameras are over here.
Rosa:      Oh great. I think this is the one I need. How much is it?
Woman: This one is 21 pounds and 50 pence.
Rosa:      Right. Here you are. Five...ten...21 pounds and 50 pence,                    exactly.
Woman: Lovely.Thank you. Here's your receipt. And the                                  instructions are in the pocket.
Rosa:     Thank you very much for your help.
Woman:You're welcome. Don't forget your camera!
Rosa:     Oh, thanks. Goodbye!!

Watch a video about Alan Turing.

Adverbs of Frequency

 Practice with grammar:

Unit 2


Watch the video: Sports

Australian animals


play badminton
play cricket
scuba diving
play rugby

Extra vocabulary
match: partido
race: carrera
helmet: casco
lifejacket: chaleco salvavidas
stick: palo, bastón
both: los dos, ambos
heavy/ligth: pesado/ligero
hot/warm/cold: caliente/templado/frío
wheel: rueda
sting: picar//aguijón
poison: veneno
ankle: tobillo
above: encima 
bandage: venda


Present Continuous tense
  • We use the present continuous to talk about things that are happening now.
  • We use the present continuous with the verb+ing e.g. play→playing, read→reading, fly→flying, watch→watching, walk→walking.
  • We take away the final e.g. cycle→cycling, write→writing, use→using, take→taking, make→making, come→coming.
  • We double the consonant after one vowel, one consonant e.g. run→running, hop→hopping, swim→swimming, sit→sitting, hit→hitting, put→putting.

Do the following interactive worksheets:

 How to find out about a sport coaching.


Rosa: Good afternoon. I'd like to find out about football coaching
Man: Can you play football. Or are you a beginner?
Rosa: I'm a beginner.
Man: Well, we've got football coaching once a week. It´s after                     school, every Thursday at 5:30. The coach is a player at the               football club.
Rosa:That's perfect. How much does it cost?
Man: The coaching is free.But you need to buy your own sports                 kit.There are lockers in the changing room.
Rosa:Can I start on Thursday?
Man:Yes, of course. It's Thursday today.
Rosa: Wow. Is it really? Thank you.

Aboriginal dance show




Taj Mahal tour


In India, there are some national parks. Some national parks are near rivers and forests. In these parks, you can see baboons, rhinos and hippos. You can also see flamingos, deer, panthers, red pandas and buffalo





red panda




Some national parks are in the mountains. In these parks, you can see eagles, wolves, foxes and the rare snow leopard.

Extra Vocabulary
feed: alimentar
travel: viajar
through: a través
dirty: sucio
find, found: encontrar
close: cerca
advice: consejo
to be afraid: sentir miedo
soft: suave
scary: atemorizador, aterrador
anymore: ya no
mainly: principalmente
loud: alto (sonido)
thick: grueso
thin: fino
roar: rugir
kinds, types: clases, tipos...
mane: melena
tusk: colmillo
horn: cuerno

Comparative adjectives.

  • We use comparative adjectives when we compare animals, people and things.
  • When an adjective has:
  • one syllable, we add -er e.g. tall→taller, long→longer, strong→stronger.
  • one vowel and one consonant at the end, we double the consonant e.g.   big→bigger, hot→hotter.
  • two syllables ending in y, we change the y toe. g. heavy→heavier, funny→funnier.
  • three or more syllabes, we use more e.g. intelligent→more intelligent, beautiful→more beautiful...

 An elephant is taller than a hippo.
A giraffer has got longer neck than an elephant.
An eagle has got bigger wings than a flamingo.
A hippo is heavier than a rhino.

Watch and learn the dialogue: How to buy tickets to visit a famous building.


Man: Next. How can I help you?
Rosa:I'd like three tickeets to visit the castle and the gardens, please.
Man: Is that for adults or for children? Tickets for children under 16           are cheaper.
Rosa: Oh thanks. It's for one adult and for two children,please.
Man: Right. That's 42 pounds in total, please.
Rosa: Here you are.
Man: Thank you. Here is your change -eight pounds- and two                     tickets.You show your tickets for the lady over there.
Rosa: Oh, right. Thank you.
Man: And this is the plan for the castle and the gardens.It shows you           the route to follow. It also shows you where the souvenir shop,           the café and the toilets are.The castle closes at half past five               and the gardens close at six o'clock.
Rosa: Oh, no! It´s four o'clock now. Come on. Let's hurry!
Man: Enjoy your visit.

                                    Quiz: Comparatives

Watch the videos: 

The Taj Mahal Story

Endangered animals

  Unit 4



 basketball player
 builder: albañil
film star
 journalist: periodista
scientist: científico/-a
 TV presenter
business person: mujer u hombre de negocios
lawyer: abogado/-a
cleaner: limpiador/-ora
carpenter: carpintero
baker: panadera/-o
fashion designer: diseñador/-a de moda

Extra vocabulary

wife/husband: mujer/marido
son/daughter: hijo /hija
gold rush: fiebre del oro
coins: monedas
currency: moneda, divisa (dolar, euro, libra...)
mint: casa de la moneda
few: pocos
fewer: menos 
university degree: carrera universitaria
skyscrapes: rascacielos
belt: cinturón
easy to please: fácil de contentar
naughty: travieso/ desobediente
shy: tímido/-a
playful: juguetón/-ona
quiet: tranquila/-o
lucky: afortunado/-a
unlucky: desgraciado, sin suerte
disappointed: decepcionada/-o
boring: aburrida/-o
noisy: ruidosa/-o
 funny: divertida/-o
spoiled: consentida/-o
plaster: yeso
cleaner. limpiador/-a
height: altura
wide. ancho
lawyer: abogado
business person: persona que se dedica a los negocios


 Music in the USA


Louis Amstrong "What a wonderful world"

Aretha Franklin "Think"

Country and western

Johnny Cash: "Ring of Fire"

Glen Campbell


Bill Haley and the comets: "Rock Around the clock"

Elvis Presley: "Jailhouse Rock"

How to buy things in a newsagent's

Woman: Hello. Do you want to buy the magazine?
Rosa:     Oh, yes please. It's for my mum. And I'd like this comic and                a packet of mints as well, please. How much is it altogether?
Woman: Well, that's four pounds seventy for the magazine, one                         pound ninety for the comic and 60p for the mints. So that's                 seven pounds and twenty pence altogether.
Rosa:     Here's seven pounds. Let me look in my purse to see if I've                got some small change.
Woman: Thank you. Have you got 20p?
Rosa:      Oh dear. No, sorry, I havent't. But here's 50p.
Woman:  Don't worry.That's fine. And here's 30p change. Do you                     need a bag?
Rosa:      No, thank you. I can put them in my rucksack. Oops! No, 
               I can't. My rucksack is full.
Woman:  OK. Here's a bag.
Rosa:      Thank you. Goodbye.

Do the quiz



     (I) help (at home)
(I) listen to (music)
(I) look after (my pet)
(I) talk (to my friends)
(I) use (a computer)
(I) visit (my grandparents)
(I) walk (to school)
(I) watch (TV)
(I) work hard (at school)
(I) share things (with my friends)         

brave: valiente
wise: sabio
disappointed: decepcionado
wonder: preguntarse
army: ejército
battle: batalla
defeat: derrotar
fail: fracasar
succeed: tener éxito
excited: contento
drop down: caerse
 sad: triste
 spin: dar vueltas
suddenly: de repente
try: intentar

Extra vocabulary:

play→played: jugar
stay→stayed: quedarse
laugh→laughed: reír
want→wanted: querer
look for→looked for: buscar
have→had: tener
go→went: ir
miss→missed: echar de menos
cover→covered: cubrir
to be filled: estar lleno
spend your holiday : pasar las vacaciones
fisherman: pescador
fewer: menos
mostly: sobre todo
pretty: bonito
sword: espada
instead: en lugar de
far away: lejos

Robert The Bruce and the spider









 I/He/She/They      lived in/
                                         didn’t live in …
 Did you/he/she          live in … ? 
Yes, I/he/she did./No, I/he/she didn’t. I/He/She/They went to … /had …

Do the quizzes:

To be in the past

 Past Simple (Regular Verbs)

Do these interactive worksheets: 

Scottish terrier

Learn the script:

Rosa: Guess what happened to me yesterday.
Ollie: What? Go on, tell me!
Rosa: Well, I was at the bus stop after school with my rucksack and             books, and our neighbour walked by with a dog.
Ollie: Did you say hello?
Rosa: Yes, I did. She explained that she had a new dog!
Ollie: What kind was it?
Rosa: It was a sweet little puppy -a white Scottish terrier with a                     tartan collar and lead. Its name's Scottie. Look! Here's a                     photo!
Ollie: Ahhh. How cute!
Rosa: Yes, I know. But look what happened to my maths book!
Ollie: Oh no, Rosa!

Scottish Sword Dance

"Scottish the Brave"by a Pipe Band

Click here and choose an activity:



aubergine, avocado, cauliflower, cherries, grapes, pineapple, plums, raspberries, red pepper, spinach

Extra vocabulary

Do you like pineapple?
- No, I don't like it at all.
-I quite like it.
-Yes, I love it

grow: cultivar, crecer
throw: tirar
wait: esperar

South Africa

Victoria Falls or "Mosi-oa-Tunya"

Read aloud and repeat:


Singular: There is + a/an ....

There is an orange in the fridge.
There is a cauliflower in the fridge.
There is an apple in the fridge.
There is a banana.
There is a stone inside avocados.

Plural: There are + some...

There are some strawberries.
There are some raspberries.
There are some grapes.
There are some pears.
There are some seeds on the outside of strawberries.


Singular: There isn't a/an...

There isn't a stone
There isn't a watermelon in the fridge
There isn't an orange
There isn't a cauliflower

Plural: There aren't + any...

There aren't any small seeds inside cherries.
There aren't any raspberries in the fridge.
There aren't any biscuits in the cupboard.


Singular: Is there a/an...?

Is there an orange in the fridge?
Is there a stone inside the avocado?

Yes, there is.
No, there isn't.

Plural: Are there any....?

Are there any seeds inside cherries?
Are there any stones inside avocados?
Are there any mangoes in the fridge?

Yes, there are.
No, there aren't.

Script: How to shop for food in a market

Rosa Mmmm. I love markets.The bakery is my                favourite stall. The cakes and pies look                    delicious. Have you got any vegetable pies?
Max:   Yes, we have. We've got broccoli-and-                      cheese pie or spinach pie.
Rosa:   Broccoli-and-cheese pie! That sounds                      delicious. Can I have some, please?
Max:   Yes, of course. Do you want a slice or a                     whole pie?.
Rosa:   Oh, just a slice, please. That's great.                           Thanks.
Max:    Anything else for you?
Rosa:   Oh, yes please. Can I have some of that                     cake? It looks delicious. What's in it?
Max:    Carrots. It's a carrot cake. I cooked it                         myself.
Rosa:   Carrot cake. How amazing! I didn´t know                 you can make a cake with carrots.
Max:   Oh, yes. It's very good. Is that everything                  for you?.
Rosa:   Yes, thanks you.
Max:    Right. That's four pounds fifty then, please.



Map of London


cropped trousers






short-sleeved shirt



Present simple tense review: "want"

Do these interactive worksheets

Watch the video about the top ten places in London


 Do the quiz:

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